Wednesday, November 28, 2012

More beading

Well there's a lot more to making beaded jewelry than just buying a bunch of pretty beads and something to string it with. I'll admit that I didn't know anything going into this beading thing, but since then (about a week now) I have learned a thing or two. I'll also admit that the following pictures are more of the kinda sorta beading as last week but the difference being is how they are tied. I know you can't see it but trust me, it's a biggy and especially if a customer tries on your goods and it breaks. That hasn't happened to me, but I think you get my drift.


 These here are inter-changeable key ring baubles
So I'm thinking that they aren't too bad looking for a beginner. I don't know, let me know what you think.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Crafting is keeping me busy.

I've had so much time on my hands these past few weeks that I decided to do a bit of crafting. Here are a couple of things I've been working on.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Week 18

Well...... what can I say. I don't know if stressed out even came close in describing the week I just went through. A re-score was done and did not come back in our favor. We had all hoped that the #'s would reset back to the original #'s, but it didn't. The lending guys fought a good fight with the powers that be and needless to say the powers that be won and we loss. It was sad to say goodbye to our newly built home that we would never live in but hey, I still have my health. :/
So, on to the next......
I haven't figured out what the "next" is but rest assure, I'll find something to occupy my thoughts and time.
See you soon!